Lud's Church - Peak District Walk
Friday 9th June 2006
An evening walk to start a weekend that was already taken up by England's first World Cup match and a family barbecue on the Sunday. As the temperature (28C) would have made walking in the open too much like hard work today's walk was picked to make the most of the shade in the woods. I had also heard that Lud's Church was very cool regardless of how hot it was, so it seemed an appropriate place to go.
Start: Gradbach car park (SJ 998 662)
Route: Gradbach car park - Forest Wood - Lud's Church - Back Forest - Roach End - Forest Wood - Gradbach car park
Distance: 4.75 miles Ascent: 306 metres Time Taken: 3 hrs
Weather: Hot with a cooling breeze, blue sky.
Pub Visited: The Travellers Rest, Nr Flash Ale Drunk: Adnam's Broadside

Forest Wood, a wonderfully cool place to be.

An unnamed set of rocks at the point where we took the path to Lud's Church.

Scrambling on top of them gave this view of Gradbach in the valley below.

The entrance to Lud's Church. Upon stepping inside it the
temperature dropped by a good few degrees.

Walking through Lud's Church, an experience my camera couldn't really cope with.

Can you spot the face?

The way out of Lud's Church.

Looking back up the valley towards Flash as we came out of Forest Wood.

Looking along the edge of Back Forest with The Roaches to the right.

Looking back in the opposite direction with the path we had followed visible along the top.

A hazy Shutlingsloe from Back Forest.

The big rock in the foreground is called Bearstone Rock, why?

Looking along The Roaches from Roach End.
All pictures copyright © Peak Walker 2006-2023